Child & Family

How can I set boundaries that my child will respect?

How can I set boundaries that my child will respect? When caring for children, it’s essential to set boundaries and consequences for unwanted behavior. As caregivers, we should be prepared to handle challenging behavior with patience and understanding. Many adults struggle to enforce limits they set for children, leading to conflicts. Effective limits must meet …

How can I set boundaries that my child will respect? Read More »

Establishing boundaries for our children. The greatest gifts we can give them, alongside our love.

Establishing boundaries for our children. The greatest gifts we can give them, alongside our love. Being a parent is a lifelong role that comes with challenges. Despite our best intentions, nobody is a perfect parent, but children view their parents as the best despite their mistakes. As parents, we can provide our children with two …

Establishing boundaries for our children. The greatest gifts we can give them, alongside our love. Read More »

Five ways to help your child transition smoothly to a new school.

5 ways to help your child transition smoothly to a new school. Children need stability to feel safe. Going to school for the first time or changing schools can cause anxiety. As parents, we aim to help our children feel secure and calm. Here are five things you can do: Before the child’s first day …

Five ways to help your child transition smoothly to a new school. Read More »

Introducing the accomplishment jar – a fun and effective tool to boost a child’s self-confidence.

Introducing the accomplishment jar – a fun and effective tool to boost a child’s self-confidence. Sometimes, we may feel weak, especially when facing new challenges or after experiencing failure. During these times, it’s important to remind ourselves of our past successes, which prove that we can overcome any obstacle. One way to boost our morale …

Introducing the accomplishment jar – a fun and effective tool to boost a child’s self-confidence. Read More »

Boosting my child’s self-esteem

Boosting my child’s self-esteem Self-esteem is the measure of how much an individual accepts and values themselves. It significantly impacts a person’s relationships with others and themselves, their expectations of life, achievements, and ability to manage challenges. High self-esteem, not to be confused with ego, is crucial for personal and professional success and happiness. Self-esteem …

Boosting my child’s self-esteem Read More »

Food has become a daily stress and tension for the child and me. I cannot take it anymore!

Food has become a daily stress and tension for the child and me. I cannot take it anymore! Scenes where the child refuses to eat, persistently ask for certain foods, or even creates tension with tantrums and yelling is something that all parents have experienced to a greater or lesser extent. But when this happens …

Food has become a daily stress and tension for the child and me. I cannot take it anymore! Read More »

Let the kids create in the kitchen! You can’t imagine how beneficial it is for them!

Let the kids create in the kitchen! You can’t imagine how it is for them! The involvement of children in the kitchen with cooking and confectionery may appear to many adults as a pleasant activity for children, but without any additional benefits, at least from the pedagogical or psychological point of view. But this is …

Let the kids create in the kitchen! You can’t imagine how beneficial it is for them! Read More »

Activities and games that enhance attention and concentration in children

Activities and games that enhance attention and concentration in children The brain is amenable to learning throughout a person’s life, so regardless of age, every person can do something to improve their ability to concentrate. For a child, the best way to practice concentration is through play since through it, the senses are activated and …

Activities and games that enhance attention and concentration in children Read More »

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