My child needs to concentrate! What can I do to help them;

My child needs to concentrate! What can I do to help them;

How many times have we had to repeat to the child the instructions for a task/responsibility, and despite the repetitions, the child was unable to complete it? How often do children spend whole hours on a task that requires a minimum of time? How often do children leave unfinished tasks by refusing to continue or making a thousand excuses?

 What could help a child be more attentive and focused? Below are some simple suggestions:

Studying in a calm and understanding atmosphere

Conflicts, shouting, threats, accusations, punishments, and physical or mental violence create such mental tension in the child that it is difficult for him to concentrate on any task.

Stable framework and daily routines

There must be stability in the place of residence, the persons who care for the child, and his social environment. It is also essential that he knows his daily schedule, that his days are structured, and that there is a detailed schedule for eating, sleeping, studying, and playing.

Sufficient sleep

Sleep is a necessary condition for the efficient functioning of the brain and the learning of new functions. That is why children must sleep for at least several hours. It is good to have a fixed bedtime for the child, with a margin of about an hour, so that the child decides on his own the exact time of his sleep and there are no constant fights.

Opportunities for daily physical activity

Physical activity makes the brain more oxygenated, reduces stress, and enhances concentration. It is very beneficial if the child can play outside in nature daily. If this is not possible, the child can choose a sport that pleases him and with which he will deal systematically.

Healthy diet

Sugar gives energy to the brain immediately, but in a short period, the sugar drops sharply in the blood, resulting in the child feeling tired and lethargic, and the body searches for sugar again. That is why snacks that contain large amounts of sugar hurt concentration. Conversely, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains gives the brain and body energy for longer.

Appropriate use of electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc.

The brain develops to its fullest when it receives stimuli from all the senses. However, with electronic devices, children are bombarded by many audio-visual stimuli while the other senses remain inactive.

Breaks and rest

The time that children can work in concentration depends on their age. The concentration time for a six-year-old child is about 15 minutes, for a nine-year-old, 20 minutes, and for a twelve-year-old, half an hour. That is why it is suitable for children to have short breaks between studying and after 2-3 short breaks to have a longer than half an hour break.

Quiet studying place

For the child to be able to work concentrated, it is necessary to have his personal study area where there will be quiet and there will be no distractions from other people moving around.

 Praise and motivation

Concentration needs time and effort. But for children to work hard, they must learn it is worth doing and be motivated. They need constant recognition and praise. Praise the child for the effort, regardless of the result!

Avoiding excessive workload

 The many extracurricular activities and excessive studying exhaust the children, resulting in them losing their interest and appetite for learning. The natural way of learning for every child is to play. He experiments, learn, activates his imagination, creates, and socializes through this. So let the kids play!

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