Stress. A misunderstood companion.

Stress. A misunderstood companion.

The word “stress” often carries a negative meaning, as we all desire a life free of it. However, stress is a natural survival mechanism that humans possess to help them face and overcome risks. Throughout history, individuals have had to confront daily threats and dangers to ensure survival.

Stress is triggered when the brain senses danger to help the person face or escape the threat. This rapid process activates the sympathetic system, causing increased heart, blood, and breathing rates. The person’s senses are heightened, alerting them to respond to the danger and fleeing if necessary. This is why someone can instinctively run away from a car headed towards them without hesitation.

Whenever a person senses real or imagined danger, their body activates the same process. While stress can be beneficial in small amounts, as it can motivate us, if it is too intense for extended periods, it can lead to various adverse effects on physical and mental health.

There are various management methods, including:

Identify the causes of anxiety, evaluate their validity, and find ways to restore a sense of security. For instance, if a student is anxious about the possibility of failing an exam, they can address this by questioning whether any accurate indications support this fear and finding ways to eliminate them. One way to do this is by organizing their study schedule to ensure adequate material coverage.

Engage in physical activity regularly. Exercising frequently can aid in releasing tension and stress. It is also as effective as medication in managing anxiety and has longer-lasting benefits. Exercise can be done at a gym or simply by taking a walk.

Maintain close interpersonal relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Being socially active and receiving emotional support enables us to deal with stressful situations more effectively. Building relationships with others is critical to achieving this.

Practicing relaxation techniques. Practicing relaxation techniques like diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, and mindfulness can lower heart rate, ease breathing, and alleviate body and mind tension.

Encourage participation in enjoyable activities that hold personal significance. Participating in these activities can provide a person with positive emotions that act as a buffer and protection against stressful situations.

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